Saturday, January 28, 2017

Feedback thoughts

The most interesting article to read was overcoming thefear of feedback because as I was growing I used to play football (Soccer in the U.S Booo) and I remember I would feel down when my older brother would give me feedback such as “You could have been quicker” or “You could have worked harder”. Unfortunately, at that stage in my life I did not know about the power of improvement you can achieve that this author mentions.  However, maturing I started learning that and adapting to receiving feedback and criticism. Unfortunately, I feel like in school the setting is created to focus on results rather than feedback. I recommend giving feedback in a constructive manner, to where the person giving feedback tries to not include their own opinion but focus more on facts. Negative feedback is not something anyone wants to hear, however the world is a cruel place and sometimes you need to fall down to get up stronger. So yes I have been affected by negative feedback but my approach of choice is always to try to be optimistic and view things as lessons learned and not mistakes made. My brother has always given me the best feedback and I have been blessed to have him as a mentor in different stages of my life. Although I disagree with the method he uses to give me feedback, I have learned to adjust and try to take the best out of what he says since I know he has the best intentions!

I chose this image just because I found it funny. On a serious note, many people tend to not take advantage of feedback by feeling offended or mocking it however in many cases feedback can definitely be helpful! 

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