Sunday, January 22, 2017

Growth Mindset


I’ve seen some of her talks prior to watching the videos attached and I really agree with Carol Dweck’s perspective on mindset. I see myself chasing to consistently maintain a growth mindset. It is apparent in my many aspects of my life such as school, work and fitness goals but sometimes you become too comfortable with the error. I try to keep on adding effort incrementally in different aspects of my life. While at OU I realized how much resources we have around us that we tend to neglect. I was truly discouraged when I realized the many opportunities I had to capitalize on learning experiences that I let go just because I felt comfortable. On the other hand, I am glad this learning experience was in College which allowed me to recover, learn and grow. I will definitely be interested in learning more about growth mindset, I find that it can be used universally. My personal learning goal for this semester is to read more and get in the habit of writing more effectively. I am excited about all my classes since my PE classes include practical topics and also this course seems like fun and good knowledge.


  1. Hi there!
    I love your meme you added – the higher you climb the more you can see. It’s super applicable to me right now. I am about to graduate and I am taking risks that I never thought I would. I am interviewing in different states thousands of miles away and I have never lived that far from home. Cool stuff thanks for sharing.

  2. I agree with you that a lot of times we don't realize the resources that are offered around us. Taking advantage of these can really help people adopt the growth mindset and make it a part of their core beliefs. College can be a great place to broaden your perspective and try new things and it's a great place to begin your growth mindset. I've definitely learned a lot and let myself learn since being at OU.
