Sunday, February 12, 2017

Feedback Focus

I would rank the strategies as follow: 1) Read out Loud 2) Copy and delete and 3) Use a timer. Reading out loud helped me understand more the content as I read instead of just reading silently and skipping some sentences or words. This helped increase my focus and I was more efficient while reading. Using a timer also helped a lot since I dedicated a certain amount of time to focus on a specific reading and that helped as I put more effort in that allocated time. But I also find some difficulty with the fact that when I read silently I tend to get bored easily and drift away from reading. Copy and delete was more helpful than using a timer since it helped in focusing on figuring out important takeaways from the readings. I feel that is very helpful because I always ask myself what are the points to take away from a reading, so this technique helps by saving time of going back and forth to figure that out. I have not practiced using these techniques previously but I think I will give each one a try and see on the long run which one works best for me.


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